

Showing 1-10 of 10 Results
Gimli Dwarf Gloin Walking Axe Dwarven Replica Gimli Walking Axe
Gimli was the sidekick of Frodo, and he in like manner helped him to fight with the deceptive expert Sauron. He helped Frodo in making a force on the rulers ...
Uruk-Hai Scimitar Swords from The Lord of the Rings
The Uruk-Hai Scimitar Replica Sword from LOTR (Lord of the Rings)By and large Length: 31" approx Handle Leather Wrap. The scimitar of the Orcos. The Uruk-Hai...
Marvel Avengers Thor's Stormbreaker Axe
Replica of Thor's Stormbreaker war axe from The Avengers: Infinity War movie and from the Marvel comic series. Handmade quality resin. 105cm. 4.8kg.
God Of War Modi's Mace
Modi is the son of Thor in the video game series God of War. As the son of Thor, Modi can summon lightning and can send electrical shocks to everyone within ...
Vikings Weapons of Floki Viking Bearded Axe
The prototype of the new generation of Viking ships, which can sail over the open ocean but also up the shallowest of rivers, was designed and built ...
Battle Axe of Assassin's Creed 3 Video Game Tomahawk Connor's Heavy Axe
Stainless Steel Blade. For Display Purposes Only. Not for actual use. Perfect for collectors. This item is not made by authentic Native Americans. co...
Showing 1-10 of 10 Results